Our Mission

Mission Statement
We work to empower the world’s most vulnerable to live in better health and give people agency to determine their own destinies. We seek to incubate an interdisciplinary and intercultural innovation hub where dedicated and talented people can work together to find solutions to humanity’s most pressing issues.
We believe:
All human lives are equally valuable.
Sickness frequently stems from poor living conditions.
Those conditions must be addressed to improve health outcomes.
Long-term, sustainable improvements can only be realized through active, continuing collaborations with the targeted communities at all levels.

Our interdisciplinary team provides direct clinical healthcare, conducts research projects, and provides health education to our catchment area.
We address health disparities at every level, from individual patient care, to community wide health screenings, volunteer capacity building, and student education.
In all of these areas of endeavor, we actively seek partnerships with local and governmental entities so that all projects are thoroughly collaborative. We work with the community health workers of 54 villages to ensure there is local input. All interventions by ETH are supported by baseline and community-based feasibility studies.