Hello friends of ETH, hope you all are well. As summer 2021 draws nearer, we are excited to share an update on our plans for the upcoming Global Health Experiential Fellowship, beginning in a little over a month and a half! Just in case you need a recap of what this cross-cultural, collaborative experience in global health entails, all the information needed can be found at this link:
At the moment, we have five student teams working to implement different public health interventions across two 40-day sessions. Each team will be made up of both undergraduates from American universities and students from Uganda Christian University.
First Session (May 31st - July 9th)
Malnutrition (in affiliation with Students Against Malnutrition chapter): 3 Ugandan students, 5 American students
Mental Health I (in affiliation with Williams College chapter): 3 Ugandan students, 4 American students
Second Session (July 12th - August 20th)
Contraception (in affiliation with University of Michigan chapter): 3 Ugandan students, 4 American students
Helminthic Infections (in affiliation with Washington University in St. Louis chapter): 2 Ugandan students, 3 American students
Malaria (in affiliation with University of Chicago chapter): 2 Ugandan students, 3 American students
Mental Health II (in affiliation with Williams College chapter): 3 Ugandan students, 5 American students) Over the past month, each team of American and Ugandan students has started meeting weekly to discuss plans for the fellowship and prepare relevant materials. For the malnutrition and mental health teams, the current focus is creating a detailed roadmap of goals and deadlines for completing their projects within the time frame of the session. Second-session teams, on the other hand, are working to research and write up forms and documents that will be used in their projects. The Helminthic Infections chapter, for example, is now finishing up a first draft of our helminths Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices (KAP) survey! In the coming weeks and months, each chapter will meet frequently with American and Ugandan ETH staff to present and discuss their plans for the summer. Additionally, all American students participating in the fellowship will be required to attend three preparatory cultural sensitivity/education meetings. To ensure the well-being of both American and Ugandan fellows, American students will need to be fully vaccinated (two weeks past the final dose) against COVID-19 along with a number of other endemic diseases, such as yellow fever and typhoid. Fortunately for us, Uganda is one of the very few countries with Level 1 designation of Low Risk by the CDC. Stay tuned for more updates as we gear up and kick off our first GHEF! We’re excited for what’s to come. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to admin@ethealth.org. Thank you for supporting Empower Through Health. Contacts like you are vital to the continuation of the work we do! Sincerely, Nick