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2021 ETH Holiday Drive Kick-Off!

Writer's picture: Empower Through HealthEmpower Through Health

Hello friends of ETH!

This holiday season, we at Empower Through Health are thankful for the effort everyone’s put into their chapter’s project in order to help the 70,000 people in our catchment area access quality healthcare. It really means a lot! Last year, we raised a total of $25,796. With those funds, we were able to:

  • Support our Mpunde Health Center, which serves as the only source of healthcare for those in our catchment area, for another year

  • Become the first facility to provide mental health services for a district of over 400,000 people

  • Deworm and give Vitamin A supplements to 1500+ children across 9+ villages

  • Conduct 250 helminthic infections knowledge, attitudes, & practices (KAP) surveys, hold 3 focus group discussions, and battle misconceptions about helminth diseases

  • Host plays across 10 villages destigmatizing mental health, reaching around 2,000 individuals

  • Conduct 60 mental health KAP surveys, hold 4 gender-specific focus group discussions, and battle misconceptions about sexual health and contraceptive methods through educational talks in 10 different villages

  • And many more amazing things!

All of this would not have been possible without everyone’s hard work in fundraising.

This week we are starting our 2021 Annual Holiday Drive. Throughout the holiday season, we are hoping to raise more funds to support our projects at Empower Through Health. We did a great job raising $25,796 last year--let’s strive to double that number this year! I am excited to see what more we can do with the funds we gather!

Please consider helping us again this holiday season by using this link to make a donation to one of our current campaigns.

Once again, we’d like to thank each one of you for your support. Every dollar YOU raise contributes to our greater goal of improving access to healthcare and finding solutions to deeply rooted healthcare issues in our communities. Thank you!


Holly Lam

ETH National Board Fundraising Chair

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